Books by Joyce Stewart

God is Love (2)

This book is about the journey God took Joyce on to show her how much of her life, beliefs, and relationships were based on fear rather than love. Joyce wrote this book to encourage people to question what they believe and why and to choose love over fear.

God is Love Reviews

Joyce broke down so many details about God that it gave me a clearer picture of who God is. She put into terms things that I have thought about in a jumbled manner for years and made it simplistic to understand, backing it with research from many periodicals. Her perspective on sin and hell really struck me because I had never heard it put that way before. If you have questions about spirituality and the evolution of the religions, I would encourage you to read this. Reading this book inspired me want to live from a place of love.
-Lynn Gebke

If you are ready to face your fears and experience total freedom from the things, limiting beliefs or people that are now holding you back, then reading this book can be an important investment toward your greater understanding of who you are, and who God is. I recommend you get this book and explore how Christianity and other belief systems can continue to shape the beautiful person you are.
-Karen Andersen

This book is awesome and so amazing! I highly recommend it!!!!! What a beautiful book about God’s Love and the actions we can take personally to move closer to God and away from fear. Thank you so much Joyce for enriching my life. What a beautiful and insightful book. It added so much perspective to what I feel intuitively, and I feel in my heart.
-Rhonda Culver

This book was written to give hope to people who have been sexually abused and are encouraged by society to remain a victim and medicate their trauma. Joyce wants you to know that with energy-based treatments you can be free from this trauma and enjoy your life again.

Restored to Love Reviews

Joyce explains that God does not perpetrate evil. Instead, it is “hurting people who project their own unhealed pain out at others to dissociate from it, and temporarily feel better.” She reminded me that it is always God’s desire to restore each person to health and wholeness in all areas of their life. One of the last chapters in Restored to Love shares how several of Joyce Stewart’s clients healed from sexual abuse. They each shared powerful unique experiences as their lives began to be restored to love again. This book is a quick and easy read with many treasures hidden in each chapter.
-Karen Andersen

Restored (2)

This book was written to help people understand how energy-based treatments are based in science, spirituality and psychology so people do not have to be afraid to use them. It was written to a Christian audience so there are Bible verses backing up how healing works.

Interconnected by God Reviews

Finally, a book that opens our eyes to the scientific connection of Eastern and Western medicine. I highly recommend this book to those who want a deeper understanding of the role of spirituality and healing.
-Jessie Epperson

The author has a miraculous grasp of how deficiencies affect the mind and body, factoring in how many different forms healing can take. This is a must read for anyone who has not found healing in traditional medicine or is tired of the pharmaceutical push. You will want to read it more than once.
-Val Vorpi

This book is a masterpiece in bringing the world of the spiritual and science together and explaining things to us in a clear, concise and wonderful way. This book explains how the body, soul and spirit work together and gives practical application of many concepts and ideas to bring help and healing to the whole person. Keep your mind open and read with an open heart. I highly endorse the person who wrote this book, and I recommend this book to you, as a completely revolutionary work in the field of spirit and medicine.
-Lisa Winter